Tuesday, November 20, 2007


There was a time that I couldn’t drink my tea without sugar, passing years of your life is just a process to manipulate you, trick you to find this world a sweeter place. You can’t resist life’s attempts to change things. You would live in a world where you can’t handle your true feelings, everything is fake, and there is no one who can face his true feelings.

I wish I could rub off my memory, or at least had gold fish memo, this would help you to taste your tea and feel that it needs sugar. Time could never trick you to not feel the bitter taste of life.

I can remember the first time that someone told me I love you, and also can remember nights that I found out it was just a sentence, after years of hearing this sentence and realizing that it has no meaning just 3 words that make you happy for a moment and you must not expect any deep and powerful meaning from this sentence.

1 comment:

Neda said...

"Time could never trick you to not feel the bitter taste of life." ! in cheghadr khoob bood! rast migi vaghean!